About Me

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‘Painting for me is the freedom to create and there is always something new to learn. Mistakes made, usually turn out to be the best part of the painting because it is unexpected. Never let yourself get bored.’

May 3, 2012

Hanging With My Bro (Jo)

Acrylic, Ink, Collage, Oil Pastel, Charcoal, Pen, on Ply

This painting shows the joy, laughter and playfulness of children. The girls are seen hanging upside down looking puppet-like, entertaining their baby brother. They shower him with small collage flowers representing spring, new life, and nature.

Mick & Ferno

 Acrylic, Ink, Collage, Oil, Charcoal on Ply

Companionship comes in many forms.

My brother recently befriended a young rooster named Ferno. When visiting my older brother, Ferno followed up to the house and made himself right at home. I had to capture this unlikely friendship within a painting.